This blog is the transformation of our new home, the progress of baby Isaac, garden updates, healthy recipes, yippy living (thats yuppy hippie...I made up the word) and our adventures as a couple, all with a little Scandinavian Style!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

11 months

This is supposed to be my 10 month post but this picture was taken the day after Isaac's 11 month birthday yesterday. This is mainly due to Isaac breaking our camera and me being to depressed to think about how much is was going to cost to fix it. Luckily it was just the lens that was broken and I got a used one at a local camera shop, so money I didn't want to spend but it could have been worse. First babyproofing casualty and I'm sure many more to follow. This is what's new with Isaac since September 19th! He started walking! I think it was 9 3/4 months to be exact. He had taken one or two steps before that but we didn't start counting it until he strung a whole bunch together. He is so happy now that he walks and just loves scooting around the house. His favorite foods right now probably are bananas and peas. He loves (true story) brushing his teeth and reading books. He will find a book, sit cris-cross-applesauce, and flip through the pages. Peter even can start reciting a few books, like brown bear brown bear and he will go find the book and look at it. He constantly amazes me! He started holding things up to his ear like he is on the phone, especially when I am on the phone. He is in a "big boy" car seat but much to his dismay still backwards. One bummer was he got his first ear infection due to several colds strung one right after the other and the constant runny nose for a month and a half. He didn't complain much and LOVES his medicine. I'm busy prepping away for his first birthday party! It's been so fun but also reality is sinking in that it is such a crazy time of year to plan a party and that it is going to be like this EVERY YEAR!

Friday, November 16, 2012

do it while you can

Of course once you have a child the guilt sets in and will always be floating around in the back of your mind. So I've started a new mantra. DO IT WHILE YOU CAN! It all started with me feeling guilty (ok maybe not guilty but embarrassed or silly that I have speant so much time planning Isaac's first birthday). Then I thought to myself "who cares, do it while you can!" I have the time since I only have one baby and I know we aren't many years away from the requests of store bought Batman and Spiderman themed birthday parties. Why not have fun while I get to pick the theme! I often think too our 2nd baby will never get the same treatment, which I know is inevitable. Here are so more do it while you cans.....

Buying used Christmas toys at consignment sales or off Craigslist
Only giving him healthy food that isn't processed
Giving him a bath and rocking him to sleep every night
Continuing to breastfeed past a year

This is such a special age and of course we won't be able to do any of these things forever but I try to do what I can in the moment and enjoy every minute of it!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

front yard before and after

We bought this house one year ago last May. Peter has put in a lot of blood sweat and tears into this front yard. I wish I could have helped more but being pregnant when we bought the house and having a new baby has kept me mostly watching from afar. There is still so much more to do but we really love everything we have done! The best part is that Peter really loves doing the work. I think he just loves being outside and coupled with feeling a sense of accomplishment makes him one happy guy. I don't think he will ever stop working in our yard which is good because the work is endless! This fall I have raked up most the leaves, sprayed down the driveway,mow the lawn weekly, and enjoy spreading mulch. Being home all day whenever I see the sun poke out between the clouds I bundle Isaac up and he eats dirt and leaves while I work. Can't wait to move on to the next project!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

baby's first halloween

 Isaac was a chicken (ok Rooster) thanks to our friends Lars and Michaele for the hand-me-down. This is Isaac at Toddler group which happened to fall on Halloween this year. The babies and Moms did a costume parade around class. Isaac got to pick out a "treat" (which was a large yellow crayon) he then later ate half of it while I wasn't paying attention at circle time.

These are the babies of my Mom friends. We thought it would be fun to get the babies together for a costume party! Lots of ladybugs!

We went to our friends Ali and Phil's house in West Seattle for pizza and no trick-or-treating due to rain. The babies were in costume for a quick picture. Unfortunately, I couldn't get Isaac to sit still long enough to get one of him and baby Micah.

sand box vs. garden beds

The race is on to see what the next project will be. I've been desperately waiting for a garden and we have had to do so many other things first to make this possible. Rip out the old shrubs, spread 30 yards of topsoil to level it, build the fence, and then plant the grass. Peter has been dying to build Isaac a sand box. Let's see what will win! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

happy fall

Fall is in the air while Peter and I scramble to rake leaves, mow the lawn one last time (I'm kind of obsessed with mowing the lawn) and praying that our newly planted grass survives this winter. Peter fixed our broken septic tank (thanks to our friend Phil). Boy is that a relief without having to spend thousands of dollars.Here is a sneak peak of my two favorite boys(courtesy of my favorite photographer Carmen Valentine my best friend from High School), boy do they have the same smile! More to come!