Little bear is living up to his nickname. This past week he started growling at Peter and I. We see it as a human version of purring because he always has a smile on his face when he is doing it and he does it when he is very happy. These pictures were a blast to take and show off his cute little(well not so little) body. We started cloth diapering and I feel very good about it because I know lots of moms that do it and now that he is 7 months I fully know what I am getting into. I feel like I always say this but with every month and developmental change this little guy just gets better and better. He loves to play by himself with whatever he gets his hands on, loves pets, loves people especially kids and babies. He already has a great sense of humor. He still is extremely active, busy, strong willed, curious, and has no fear! Right after he turned 6 months he started crawling. It took him a couple of weeks really to master it. I was so excited for this moment where he is safe and can explore the house and I can have a little more freedom. Wrong! At that exact moment he became obsessed with pulling himself up to standing on whatever he can. He has taken many tumbles as he likes to let go to see how long he can balance. He is tough so I often just let him do his thing and figure out that he is not invincible. He transitioned to two several hour naps a day for almost 2 months now and that is awesome! He got tooth number 5 & 6 up top, that was a crazy week! We also made a big leap and stopped swaddling him at night which he really likes because he is a tummy sleeper however he frequently pulls himself up to stand up in the crib and then can't let go. He has been such a trooper during all of our summer activities thus far staying out late watching Peter race at Marymoor Park. Can't wait to see what's next and enjoy the rest of the summer!
So fun to hear all that Isaac is up to. Next thing you know he'll be running!!!