This blog is the transformation of our new home, the progress of baby Isaac, garden updates, healthy recipes, yippy living (thats yuppy hippie...I made up the word) and our adventures as a couple, all with a little Scandinavian Style!

Friday, March 23, 2012

baby i is 3 months....

Isaac is getting more and more fun everyday. Things he is doing: rolling over both tummy to back and back to tummy, grabbing toys, cooing and blowing bubbles, going to sleep for naps and bedtime by himself when I put him in the crib awake. He has so much personality already and smiles at everyone who holds him. We are so proud of our little guy and no more meds for his reflux!!!


  1. Aww he's getting so big! Love the posts! Can't wait to see you Saturday!

  2. What a beautiful boy you have! I love to see his pictures, every time he looks bigger, but always the same darling smile (his Daddy's smile). He is just so much apart of our lives already, it's amazing how that happens. We love him!
