This blog is the transformation of our new home, the progress of baby Isaac, garden updates, healthy recipes, yippy living (thats yuppy hippie...I made up the word) and our adventures as a couple, all with a little Scandinavian Style!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

mirror over mantle

 When we moved in I thought ugh...that mirror has to go. Then Peter told me that the mirror is glued on so strongly that if he tried to take it off most likely chunks of the dry wall would come off with it and that is more trouble than it is worth. So Peter spent many late night hours working in the garage "perfecting" this frame that he glued over the mirror. He is such a perfectionist and I often get frustrated asking...."is it done yet" and he says "not yet". I really am grateful because everything he does turns out so well done and beautiful. Like the saying goes "if it ain't done right it ain't worth doing"




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