This blog is the transformation of our new home, the progress of baby Isaac, garden updates, healthy recipes, yippy living (thats yuppy hippie...I made up the word) and our adventures as a couple, all with a little Scandinavian Style!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

life as we know it, being one

Our little boy is getting so big. Both Peter and I feel like Isaac never really wanted to be a baby and has found his true happiness being a toddler. He has arrived! Although he needs constant supervision, he's almost always getting into things with a smile on his face and I feel like I can finally just take a moment and "breathe". Parenting is so much easier with your first when you know the routine, you know that "yes' believe it or not they will eventually go to sleep, they will sleep throughout most the night, we can go on vacations (despite a total disruption in all things routine like), we don't have to medicate for teething anymore,  and we can break the bedtime and nap schedule without hours of screaming as a result. Different challenges, Isaac needs an activity out of the house everyday and preferable with other children. He is a super social baby and people kind of stare at us when we say that. We have figured out he wants little to do with adults, but you put another baby his age or slightly older and he will hug them and play for hours!! Food needs to always be on hand and there is no such thing as going more than 2 hours without a bottle or full meal, no snacking for this boy. 

Things that are new: he likes to brush his teeth himself. We got him a cheap-o electric so we feel better about what is getting accomplished in there. He insists on feeding himself with a spoon or fork even though he doesn't really have the skills to do so. He likes to follow behind me when I sweep or vacuum and copy what I'm doing with his push toy. He started signing, more, all done, and bath. He is starting to talk but really can only get the first sound out of each word. First one was "birds" as he points to the bird mobile above his bed. He says, hot, more, mama, dada, mine, and ball. He continues to crave being outside and so both of us can't wait for spring to come. 

The pictures are becoming fewer and less of the posed nature. He is either a blur on camera (due to constant movement) or the shot is over as once he sees the iphone or camera its a mad dash straight for it. 

We are so grateful for the joy he brings to our lives and he makes everyday so special! Words can't describe the love we both share for him and the love he gives us back through big squeezes and wet kisses.